Web Site Design

Web site design that leads to a profitable presence on the Internet is every business' goal. Please allow us to introduce ourselves and give you a brief overview of how we can help you set up your company's web site or strengthen your existing Internet presence.

We pride ourselves in preventing our clients from making costly mistakes on the Internet. All too often we see companies jumping onto the Net without the experience and insight of a seasoned pro on their team. They usually take one of two approaches:

  • Hire one or more computer programmers who approach their project as they would anything highly technical - load up the site with lots of CGI and JAVA believing it's technology which is going to drive the success of the site.
  • Hire a web designer with limited experience or ask an in-house employee to handle the project.

In both instances, the sites usually fail because there was never a clear understanding of how to drive traffic to the site and how to keep it there. Successful web site design and management is as much an art as it is a compilation of various technical skills and graphic artistry. There is no substitute for years of full-time experience in web site design and management. Neither the highly skilled computer programmer nor the existing in-house employee has the insight of to know what works and what doesn't. Both are more apt to copy someone else's presentation in the mistaken belief that it's working for the other company. The unfortunate results are usually compounded by another erroneous assumption - if we build it, they will come.

We approach our assignments by first understanding what the core business of our client is and then how we can position their company on the web to increase their revenues and decrease their costs. We know that the Internet is anything but a numbers game. Having a web site up where 50 million people can have access to it is totally meaningless if you don't understand how to drive traffic to it and then keep it there.

If you're looking for someone with a true business oriented approach to your company's presence on the web, we'd like to discuss your project with you.

What We Can Do For You

Whether you're already online or just in the beginning phases of planning and designing your web site, we can be of assistance in numerous areas. Use our services as much or as little as your situation dictates. We will always handle your assignments in a professional and timely manner.

We can act as your complete source for web site design, management and consulting, or simply provide additional support to you or your staff on an as-needed basis. Further, we can work with any Internet service provider you choose, no matter where they're located. With six years full-time experience in online marketing, we have the experience, insight, background and expertise you need.

Solutions For Your Business

Having already designed sites for companies as diverse as:

  • large banks to small entrepreneurs, and
  • adult nightclubs to religious organizations

we understand the challenges you face in establishing your presence on the web. Most small to mid-size companies who are establishing their presence on the Internet find the required investment of time, training, equipment, and salary for a new or existing employee to become their in-house Internet expert cost-prohibitive. We specialize in providing affordable solutions to companies who wish to shorten their learning curve and begin capitalizing on an Internet presence. From basic site design to advanced multimedia presentations, we hope you'll take a closer look at our various services.

Contacting Us

We'd enjoy visiting with you. Let's explore what your objectives are and determine how we can be of assistance. With clients in all 50 states and 17 foreign countries, we're experienced and quite capable of providing the level of expert service and support you expect no matter where you're located. Call us today at 630-690-7611 or E-mail us at cybertech@ameritech.net.


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